Verify Your Insurance and Start Your Mental Health Journey
Once you’ve verified your insurance, surely you’ll want to get started on the path to better mental health. You can start researching multiple doctors, therapists, counselors, groups, and more, to decide what works best for your lifestyle and goals for your mental...
What to Do When You’re Have Anxiety About a Job Interview
A job interview can lead to an exciting opportunity. However, this high-pressure situation can also lead to anxiety. If your anxiety spikes before a job interview, you’re certainly not alone. These simple steps can help you prioritize your mental and behavioral...
Managing Depression: 5 Types of Movement That Can Improve Your Mood
Depression can make everyday life more challenging. While behavioral therapy for depression is central to treatment, your counselor may also recommend some lifestyle changes to help boost your mood. Exercise has been proven to release endorphins, improve sleep, and...
5 Signs It’s Time to See a Counselor About Your Anxiety
Anxiety is a common mental health condition that can make daily life more challenging. If you’re struggling to cope with anxious thoughts, a licensed therapist can help. So, how do you know if it’s time to seek behavioral therapy for anxiety? Here are some signs to...
Help for Parents: 5 Ways to Improve Your Relationship with Your Teenagers
The teenagers can be tough, but your teen isn’t the only one experiencing growing pains. This phase of life can put strain on parents as well. Navigating your relationship with your teenager can take a toll on your mental and behavioral health, so here are some tips...
6 Holistic Healing Ideas for Grief and Loss Recovery
Healing after loss can feel like an endless journey. But while life without your loved one can be full of ups and downs, there are some techniques to help you heal. Here are some holistic healing ideas to help you put your mental and behavioral health first as you...
Stress Management: Is Stress Ever a Good Thing?
From meeting deadlines at work to worrying about your loved ones, stress is an inevitable part of everyday life. But how do you know how much stress is too much? Mental and behavioral health experts have found that some stress might actually be a good thing. However,...