I am a Board certified Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (PMHNP-BC) practicing in New York. I graduated from Thomas Jefferson University with a Master’s degree in both Psychiatry and Family Medicine. During my clinical practice, I gained experience in both private practices and community mental health. Most of my experience has been working with adolescents, young adults, and adults struggling with anxiety, depression, mood instability, OCD, sleep disturbances, substance use, trauma, and ADHD.
While I believe medication can be beneficial in many cases, I also believe in a holistic approach to medicine that incorporates discussing lifestyle changes, social support systems, psychotherapy with a CBT and humanistic approach, alternative therapies, and mindfulness meditation. I believe incorporating a holistic approach allows me to meet each client where they are to support them on their personalized health journey. Each person is a unique blend of their own experiences, and I am passionate about multidimensional care plans that help clients on their personal journey. As a provider, I strive to create a safe, inclusive, and judgement-free space to provide compassionate patient centered care to support you on your journey!