3 Tips for Managing Holiday Stress and Anxiety

We Want to Help You Find Joy This Season!

The holidays are often times to enjoy and share with loved ones. While it should be a happy time, that’s not always the case. This time of year can also bring about a lot of stress and anxiety as there can be preparations for celebrations, such as cleaning, shopping, and cooking. It can be easy to feel like you’re spinning around in circles, trying to get everything in order on top of your typical daily routine. Let’s look at some tips for managing stress and anxiety during the holiday season.

Plan in Advance

It can be challenging to be productive, particularly when there is so much to do! For some people, it may seem easier to avoid these responsibilities and do nothing at all. In the long run, however, this might increase feelings of stress and anxiety. By making a plan ahead of time, you can ease some of the stress.

One effective way to do this is using a journal or planner to keep track of each task and subtask that needs to be done and checking them off as you go. Consider which holiday events are coming up on your schedule and which you can feasibly attend. By keeping track of chores and upcoming plans, you will better prepare yourself in an organized way, eliminating stress.

Maintain Self Care

Don’t forget to take care of yourself during this time. You probably have a lot on your plate, but you should remember to put yourself first. This means fueling yourself with healthy foods, staying active, and getting good sleep. Healthy habits will help with your physical and mental health! Try to pay attention to these things when life gets busy.

Other ways to practice self-care are creating a soothing atmosphere by lighting candles, taking a bath, and listening to music. Try to think of the little things that make you happy and incorporate them into your life. Yoga is an excellent form of self-care. It’s a way to exercise that also focuses on mindfulness. Yoga could be a big way to bring you a sense of peace and calm.

Speaking with a therapist can also be a form of self-care. Mental health professionals are trained to help you manage stress and anxiety, and you can learn new coping mechanisms from them. Sometimes, just talking to someone can help ease the mind! Check out our mental health services at SOL Mental Health.

Slow Down

You may feel the need to attend every party, give gifts to everyone you know, and cook tons of food. It’s important to realize, however, what you can actually handle. While it may feel like you have to do everything, you don’t. People can have a romantic view of the holidays, but staying realistic is important. Keeping your mindset realistic doesn’t mean you’re being a downer. It just means you’re honest with yourself and others about what you can handle. Take time to slow down, enjoy the people around you, and be kind to yourself.

We hope that everyone has a safe, happy, and healthy holiday season. If you experience stress or anxiety during these times, try some of these tips to manage your mental health. At SOL Mental Health, we are here for you. Please reach out if you are struggling. We are happy to help you work through the holiday season and beyond.

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