Top 3 Steps You Can Take to Enhance Your Bipolar Disorder Medications

Bipolar disorder can be a difficult condition to navigate, and determining the proper treatment for your bipolar disorder can take some hard work. Here are some ways you can enhance your bipolar disorder medication and ensure that you’re getting the most out of your treatment.

Don’t Settle for Mediocre Results

Medications are sometimes hard to get right when it comes to treating bipolar depression disorder. Your doctor may do some experimentation with your medication, but with a disorder like bipolar disorder, certain risks can’t be taken lightly. For instance, doctors very, very rarely prescribe antidepressants for treating bipolar disorder, because they can cause manic episodes in some people. Finding the medication that works for you with the fewest side effects can take some time. Don’t skip out on the evaluations that your doctor schedules. Follow-ups are ways for them to detect changes in behavior that may indicate the medications are working or causing more issues. If you don’t feel like your medication is doing enough, explore upping the dosage or trying to supplement the drugs with other medications. Your doctor can also offer you a controlled plan to stop taking a medication as you begin to try another. This can be a very difficult task for people with bipolar disorder, but fine-tuning treatment can really help improve the condition for you.

Supplement Medications with Therapy

Therapy in some form, along with medication, are the two cornerstones of living with bipolar disorder. There is no cure for bipolar disorder. There is no miracle drug that will eliminate it. Your life will still be impacted by bipolar disorder, even on the perfect medication. That’s why having regular therapy sessions is so important for people with the disorder. In some studies, supplementing medication with psychotherapy can help hasten improvement in bipolar sufferers by 150%. Bipolar patients in regular therapy also have a better chance of maintaining healthy relationships and keeping their life on track in all areas, like the workplace and at home.

Don’t Stop Communicating

It’s not uncommon for bipolar people to feel isolated. Manic and depressive episodes can be alienating to friends and loved ones who can’t make sense of the disorder. It’s a commonly misunderstood condition that’s dictated by extremes. These are the unfortunate realities of bipolar disorder, but it’s imperative to understand that you’re not alone. Your psychiatrist or therapist is there for you. They have an intimate and clinical understanding of your condition, and your mental health is their priority. It can be easy to try and withdraw from social situations, but medicating regularly and communicating with loved ones and mental health professionals can provide you with an indispensable lifeline. Know that you aren’t alone, that help is available for you, and that there are people who understand you.

If the medication that you’re prescribed doesn’t feel like it’s doing much, don’t stop taking it. For people with bipolar disorder, medications are critical in providing a sense of normalcy. But sometimes the potential side effects, personal anxieties, or simple forgetfulness can all contribute to a bipolar patient skipping medication. This often happens in tandem with social withdrawal, and it can be a risky combination. Your mental health is important, and taking care of it with medications is critical. Reach out to someone: a loved one, a friend, a mental health professional. Communication always helps, even in the midst of the worst crises.

We’ve explored some (but not all) of the ways you can enhance the effects of your bipolar disorder medications. Interested in learning more about medication or therapy or are just curious about bipolar disorder? Give us a call at SOL Mental Health today to learn more.

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