Why an ADHD Psychiatrist Can Help You as an Adult

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a problem often associated with adolescence and struggling in school, but for millions of people, you don’t simply stop suffering from ADHD as you age. Here’s why a psychiatrist can help you cope with ADHD, even as an adult.

Understanding Adult ADHD

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a mouthful, so we basically always see it called ADHD. But what is this condition, and how can it uniquely impact adults? ADHD is most often thought of in terms of focusing, or a lack thereof. While difficulty paying attention is a major part of ADHD, it’s not the only problem this disorder presents. People with ADHD often exhibit impulsive behavior too, and this is even more true for adult ADHD. Hyperactivity, another facet of ADHD, can manifest in many ways, including fidgeting, general restlessness, and repetitive behaviors. In fact, it’s this restlessness and hyperactivity that often intensify when a person with ADHD ages. While an inability to focus can absolutely remain and still cause problems for an adult, it’s often less of a struggle than the other symptoms ADHD presents. Adults with ADHD may have extreme difficulty in planning and managing simple and complex things alike, like their day to day activities, finances, or relationships.

It’s important to note that adult attention deficit hyperactivity disorder often goes undiagnosed and untreated, simply because of the general social perception of the disease. If you were told you were going to grow out of your condition, you may not believe the issues you’re having as an adult are related to your ADHD diagnosis as a child. You may have never been diagnosed with ADHD as a child, but still, you find that your struggles fit the various symptoms of adult ADHD. It’s entirely possible that you have ADHD as an adult, but you need to avoid the trap that self-diagnosis can be. There are many things a mental health professional can do for your adult ADHD, but you still need an official diagnosis.

What an ADHD Psychiatrist Can Do for You

Once you’ve talked with a psychiatrist about your adult ADHD, you may be curious what they can do for you. One important distinction about psychiatrists when compared to other mental health providers is that they can prescribe medication. Medications like Adderall can be extremely helpful for adults and children alike who suffer from ADHD. With a psychiatrist, you get the best of both worlds: a supportive doctor and regular visits to discuss your concerns, and you get the help that medications for ADHD can uniquely provide. As noted before, adults often don’t believe that they have ADHD, whether it’s because it’s often thought of as a disease you grow out of, or because an official diagnosis was never made as a kid. This uncertainty can cause a great deal of stress on a person. People who don’t know they have adult ADHD may suffer with things that others don’t struggle with. It’s easy to feel like a failure or lesser than your peers when you’re suffering from undiagnosed ADHD. Seeing a psychiatrist and getting a proper diagnosis can grant you an extreme degree of relief. There is nothing wrong with you; you have a common disorder, and there’s nothing wrong with needing help. It sounds simple, but being told these things by a doctor who’s able to diagnose your condition can be an immense relief.

So don’t wait any longer if you suspect you have adult ADHD! Give us a call at SOL Mental Health for a consultation today, and start on your path toward treating your attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

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